Entrance Sign

Entrance Sign

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Entrance Sign

You may have noticed that the light on the sign at the entrance to the Greenbriar neighborhood from College Road (Rt 132) was not working.  The problem was with a switch in the off or open position.  The problem has been corrected and the light is now in good working order again.
- Thank you Jerry for getting this fixed

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Neighborhood Watch Udate

Please be sure to lock your vehicles and close up your garage doors at night.  We received a notice from our friendly neighborhood watch officer that there has recently been an increase in local thefts.  So don't make it easy for anyone to take your belongings!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Neighborhood Watch

The Greenbriar Homeowners are working to develop a Neighborhood watch.  The second meeting will take place on June 22 at United Advent Christian Church, 4912 S College Rd.  Learn how you can get involved in keeping our community safer!
One item to be discussed is the Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) class that is offered by the Sheriff's Office.  The class is for women of all ages and will take place 1 night a week for one month.  If interested in this class, contact Denise Merritt at 338-0488 and she will coordinate a class when there is enough interest.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


As many of you know, drainage can be a problem in our neighborhood during heavy rains.  But many of you can help keep our streets draining properly!

If you live by a storm drain and see that debris is covering the grate, pick it up.

Also, if your property borders a drainage ditch, it is the homeowner's responsibility to keep it open for proper drainage. The county can even put a lien on your property if they have to have it cleared!  Avoid that headache and keep it maintained throughout the year.

Welcome to Greenbriar!

We have had a number of new neighbors move into our area.  Please make them feel at home and if you have a new neighbor, let Mary Backes (791-0844) know so we can officially welcome them!