Entrance Sign

Entrance Sign

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Block Captains Needed

Block Captains are needed for Grey Squirrel, Skeet and Wood Duck 5470-5608! Block Captains help facilitate communication between the elected leaders of our HOA and those who live on your street. If you are interested or would like to learn more, please contact Mary Backes (910-791-0844) or Karen Crater (910-796-8344).

Monday, June 8, 2015


Welcome to the Greenbriar HOA Blog Site.  A website was suggested at the last HOA meeting as a means of communication and sharing of our wonderful neighborhood.  It is a work in progress, so if you have any suggestions to improve the site, feel free to let Darcy know at darcy.rezac@gmail.com

Friday, June 5, 2015

Dues are Due!

Our HOA dues are due by July 31st.  The cost is only $25 for the year!  The dues cover maintenance and lighting of the front entrance and printing of our flyers and directory.

Please remit payment to:
Lily Li
806 Billmark Drive
Wilmington, NC 28409